Monday, March 12, 2007


Man, just when u thought it was gonna get easier i totally read over all my paperwork for my invitation to FIJI.... The red tape and essays and resumees never end..~!!!!!
I need to now file a new updated resumee for my in country officers to check out, and answer a 5 part essay about what i am plan on getting out of this experience, ect ect... Guess i had better get used to it huh.. Its not that hard, just one more thing on my plate.. :)
For anyone thinking of getting into the Peace Corps, just know, that you will never be done filling out paperwork, filling out forms, getting medically probed and prodded and writing essays or statements!!!!
On a better note i now have a new IPOD Video 80 gig !! So now i can take all my music with me as well as some videos too....~!!! Sweet... I have to get SCUBA certified so i am in the middle of taking classes right now and i'm glad i am.. I've always wanted to but Since my placement officer wanted me to get SCUBA certified it kinda forced me to, which i am glad....
Going to bed now.... Soooo tired and worn out.....

Friday, March 9, 2007

FIJI HERE I COME...~!!!!!!

So I have officially been invited into the Peace corps to serve in FIJI...! My Program is "Integrated Environmental Resource Management project" and my job title is "Environment resource Management Promoter" Now this is all a little vague to me still but basically from what i understand i will be working on helping a community or communities to develope and manage their natural resources in a way that is not only a benefit to them but is sustainable. This includes their marine ecosystems as well as thier terestrial ecosystems such as Forests and also agriculture... There will also be many education programs that i will need to initiate and develope as my time there goes on, especially with the youth and the women of the villages and communities. So seems like it will be a balanced mixture of both... I'm a little nervous having been out of college for so long and not having been rehashing my environmental awareness and biological studies classes everyday like many people fresh out of college but i'm pretty adaptable and willing to do whatever it takes to learn the material needed and apply them in a way that is not only beneficial to the community but that they will be able to continue to do long after i'm gone.. I don't want to just go there and put in my time and sip pina colodas on the beach like many people think i will be doing as soon as i told them i was going to FIJI..~! lol I have certain goals i want to achieve from this experience as well as just taking it all in being in another country and beautiful part of the earth.... I hope to become more of a citizen of this planet than just of my own country of origin...
If i may take this time to make a personal disclaimer on my grammar, please if you are reading this at any time and it is not that great and i have many typos, please understand that i may not have internet access for long periods of time and internet access is very expensive in FIJI so i will be writing fast..!!! So don't expect much from me on the grammar end.. : )

And please feel free to write me on here any time, or on myspace as well..... my link is on the right hand side of my blog page....

Oh.. And i leave for FIJI on the 23rd of MAY............. So always feel welcome to call me whenever ya want!!!!! 406-396-5759 that phone number will no longer work as of may 23 so be aware.....

Vinaka and Shukriyaa!!!(THANK YOU~!)
Here are a few pics from Fiji....

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting