Sunday, September 16, 2007

Books, books and more Books....

So since i have come to my site, 1 and a half months, i have managed to read 9 Books... Mind you that most of these books are not small either.. they are as follows.... :

The Naturalist- by edward o. wilson

The 7 spiritual laws of success- by Deepak Chopra

Homelands"Kayaking the Inside Passage"- by Byron Ricks

The Longest Memory- by Fred D'Aguiar

Skinny Legs And All- by Tom Robbins

The Supreme Court "The Personalities and Rivalries That Defined America" - by Jefferey Rossen

The Prophet- by Kahlil Gibran

Sex Lives with Canibals- by J Marten Troost

Getting Stones With Savages- by J Marten Troost

I think i have doubled my entire book reading of a lifetime in only 1 month and a half!!!!!

Went fishing last week.. not an kind of fishing like anyone else might think either... Went fishing using snorkeling gear at night and with an underwater flashlight and Makeshift Spear gun. It was maybe 10 o'clock at night when we first entered the water.. The rain was pouring down and i took my first steps into the water and assumed the snorkeling position... We basically walk sometimes then float sometimes but the entire time little Bio-Luminescent Phytoplankton are lighting up in the water so as to make it look like 100's of little stars are twinkling in the water.. We swim/walk along till we find a fish laying half asleep then shine the light fully on him/her and shot the spear at him/her. We then empty the fish into a container that we drag behind us that floats on the water.... Its a pretty amazing experience the first time you try it, although I'm sure it has become a little mundane for the villagers to do it as it is for sustenance. So after we were finished i took one fish, a "Timor Snapper", and set it in water to wait to be cooked until the next day, which i did in the same fashion that me and my Dad used to do it.
1. Fillet fish
2. Pulverize "Ritz" Crackers into a fine dust...
3. Roll the Fillets in the Cracker dust.
4. lightly oil a pan
5. fry fillets until lightly crisp on the outside.
6. EAT!!
It was delicious.....
I'm sure i will be doing it more often as well.......
and to those of you who are or have sent a package i thank you so much.. It means a lot , it really does...... every little bit helps here.....
I will do my best to keep in touch on what limited Internet time i have! Just know that if you write that i do see it and appreciate. It just might take me some time to get back.
Vina'a Va'a Levu

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


So imagine you walk outside onto the front step of your traditional Fijian Bure looking forward to consuming a fresh breath of a cool Tropical breeze and Enjoy the Full moon that you had been taking photos previously that night ,when suddenly you realize your precious White marshmallow was being all consumed by the very planet that you currently stood on..!!! At first i was confused and though maybe a stray cloud had covered up the Moon until i looked in the sky and there were fewer clouds in the sky than teeth in the mouth of an English Bride. In about 30 minutes the earth had finished up gobbling what remained of the moon but instead of it dissapearing completely only to be thrown up later, the Moon turned an eary, yet beautiful shade of Blood- Orange.. It remained in this state for another Hour and a half where i decided to retire to my back for a bit on my front step and look through my binoculars at this Halloween production i was witnessing. It was impressive and amazing, if anything for its abrupt appearance that caught me unaware. I had never seen a Full Lunar eclipse before in my life and probably never will see one again quite like this one. Laying on my back, listening to the Waves break on the reef, watching the Flying Foxes swoop past the Moon , staring up at this beautiful Blood- Orange, dim lit, lightbulb, i had forgoten about the 50 misquito's making a buffet out of my viens of my legs.. Who cared.. This was sublime... It was then , thinking that the sublime couldn't become any more enjoyable that the little blaze of a rocket flew past the moon as if to salute it on its fantastic show much like an f-18 would do a fly by at the superbowl. I had seen falling stars before, even more prolific in size and brightness, but it was this one that i will never forget.... Such is the life in the South Pacific..

It is nights like that that make up for the days that leave you depressed , feeling down , and wondering why in the hell you decided to Join Peace Corps..It is the little things... The little things are what make it all worthwile.. Sometimes putting a smile on a kids face or making someone laugh at or with you is larger than any great "accomplishment". In Fact it is the little things that ARE the great "accomplishments". The sum of the whole is often overlooked and was even by me until that night. I am happy the moon showed back up though.. I was getting scared for a bit. :)

So on a side note.. How many creatures live in your house???

Lets count mine.....

1. Cockroaches

2. Spiders(sometimes as big as your fist)

3. Rats

4. Ants(3 different species so far from what i can tell)

5. My dog

6. My cat

7. My dog and my cats Fleas..

8. a multitude of misquito's(About 6 at night is tea time for them)

9.Moths, wasps, many other flying insects...

10. Gheckos!!!( they eat my bugs) :)

11. Land crabs

12. and other miscelaneous creatures..

The fun part is you never know which fun creature you will get to run into on what night.. :)

oh.. and i forgot the mildew.. Mildew forms on everything.. So i try to sun my clothes and everything else i have as much as possible.. keeping things dry here can be a task...

Paradise is swell....

So hopefully my new tooth will be flown or shipped in from Hong Kong here in the next 2 weeks so i don't have to keep this hideous temporary tooth in my mouth any longer...

Its not the purtiest thing you ever saw let me tell you...

Other than that things are good here.. I miss the States, my friends and family, the redwoods, the coast, the mountains, all tremendously, so if you could all just quit what you are doing for 2 more years that would be great. i don't wanna miss out on anything.. I truly do feel like i am living on the moon sometimes here in FIJI.......