Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Yea yea.. So Ohio State Lost... Its done, over.. Maybe Next year right? Man i hate the SEC....
So yea.. I have a few new pictures up on my photopage so feel free to check em out if you want...
Embassy was cool, sat and had lunch with the Ambassador and a few other people who worked there.. Watched the game on the Armed forces network.. You guys should see some of the Comercials they have on there.. Pretty hilarious... No pepsi commercials like you guys got. We had Military recruiting propaganda commercials instead. Fun for all... For those of you who don't know yet i'm coming back to the states in March.. I'll be in Ohio from about the 21st to the 30th. Not much else to tell about right now.. Hopefully in my next few posts i can give you an insight more into what life is like in my village on a daily basis, not just for me but for the average villager.. Lets just say that the women in the U.S. should feel great that you are lucky enough to live in the U.S. and don't have to go through some of the backbreaking work these women go through.. I was a cynic of the United States and still can be from time to time(Mostly because of our Government) but we really don't realize how easy we have it sometimes in the United States.. Trust me on this one....
Till next time....


Katie Beach said...

The Buckeyes ruined my 30th birthday. First I can't drink so Corey was on restricted drinking then they score like last year which I thought was awesome (but at the same time bad karma). UGH. We are pumped you are coming for Easter. You'll see me in all my pregnant glory. I'll probably have the baby while you and Corey are MIA :) Can't wait to see you.


Kaila said...

Greg and I checked out your PICS last week. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to learning about life as a villager and more of your adventures.

Believe me, I am glad I live in the United States. I do my share of complaining, but thank God I do live here.

I know you will be busy when you come home in March, but hope we get a chance to see you.

Hope Katie does have her baby while your here, so you can see him/her in person, rather than a pic.

Got to go, lunch hour is gone.


Aunt Jacki said...

Happy 34th Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
How does it feel to be getting old like me? Hope you have a good one.
Aunt Jacki

Grandma said...

Belated Happy Birthday. Going to funeral for Kelly's Dad. Will write more when I get a chance.



John Leonard said...

My name is John Leonard. My wife and I have just been invited by the Peace Corps to Fiji! I will be working as an Environmental Resource Management Promoter. She will be working as a Business Advisor. I'd love to ask you some questions about your experience so far. If you get the chance, you can shoot me an email at jpleonard2000@yahoo.com. I will probably be meeting you in a few months. Take care.